Despite the negative impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on both production and sales, Swedish companies in 中国 continue to demonstrate a positive outlook on future growth in the market.

The Business Climate Survey conducted by 团队PG电子官方免费下载 confirms that 40 per cent of Swedish companies in 中国 are planning to increase their investments over the next three years. 毫无疑问, 2020年将作为动荡的一年载入史册, but according to the survey results the long-term view is optimistic.

Almost half of the 93 survey respondents are looking to increase or diversify their supplier base in 中国, 甚至将供应商从国外转移到中国. 61 per cent of respondents reported revenue growth and 78 per cent were profitable in 2019.

Close to two-thirds of Swedish companies expect sales results to be on par with or higher than 2019 levels. At the same time, the companies highlight a number of obstacles in 中国. These relate to difficulties in attracting the right talent, more bureaucracy and underperformance when it comes to 可持续性, 哪些方面可以进一步改进.

记住这一点, it will be critical to follow 中国’s development and reflect on the learnings from the collective group of Swedish companies that are already operating in the market.

下载 the 2020 edition of the 中国商业环境调查 for a full overview of the survey results with detailed analysis.


The Business Climate Survey is produced on a bi-annual basis by 团队PG电子官方免费下载 where Business PG电子官方免费下载 collaborates with PG电子官方免费下载’s local embassies, consulates and chambers of commerce around the world, 在其他利益相关者中. 截至2020年, the survey for 中国 will be carried out on an annual basis to keep pace with market developments.

The survey provides first-hand perspectives and insights into business trends, issues and challenges in global markets based on extensive interviews with Swedish companies operating in each respective country.